Tuesday, May 13, 2014

maybe it's not all bad

I have to admit today wasn't the worst of days. I'm on day two of my diet and i do feel a little different. Of course there's no actual change though. I feel like a prisoner in my body, afraid to even notice it in the mirror. Other than that all my grades are up, and i'm starting to study for all my finals. I hope i pass them i really do i can't deal with not passing them, it's my whole future on the line here. Other than all of that i keep thinking a lot about the future. I'm one of those people who can sit around for hours daydreaming about what could be. But i'm also one of those people who doesn't take action to change what is. But i guess today has showed me that i can laugh, talk to new people, work to get good grades, have fun, and be more of myself around others. It's showed me that you know maybe it's not all bad. There can be bad days and good days, but as long as i'm sitting around moping about my body and my life then it will never be a good day in the slightest. Whether it's a good or bad day is ultimately up to me and my mindset. I think i'm going to start like an attitude/mood journal. I've seen other people do them and from what i hear it helps you get out the pent up feelings you have without taking them out on someone else. Or being in a bad mood all day over one annoying thing. I just hope that coming to this realization that it depends on me to make it a good day sticks with me and i don't forget. I hope i can keep this a constant thing of waking up and thinking "hey maybe it's not all bad, today is going to be a great day". Even if it turns out to be a horrible day at least i can say it started out great.

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